The One Rule for Finding Your Life’s Purpose



Everyone feels flat and unmotivated sometimes. No matter how energetic and focused you are, there will be some days when you’re just not feeling the vibe.

You can give your motivation a kick-start by reinvigorating your life’s purpose. And this need not mean that you need to do a course or an online quiz or take yourself off to motivation boot camp. In fact, you don’t even need to do a bunch of things to get back on track. You just need to do one simple thing.

If you’re really in the doldrums, you need to pick yourself up and take a big step out of your comfort zone.

The Ins and Outs of Your Comfort Zone

Most people stay in their comfort zone for a perfectly good reason – it’s comfortable! It feels good to be surrounded by like-minded people who don’t challenge your view of the world.

Your comfort zone is a cozy place. Online or in the real world, your comfort zone is full of messages that reinforce the status quo. It’s okay to miss your gym session or to be a couch potato. Everyone is sitting at home, eating tacos, or popcorn.

Staying in your comfort zone is a one-way street to not taking on any challenges, not growing, not developing, or achieving. Comfort zone living encourages procrastination. It makes you defensive and frustrated when your instant gratification needs are not met, or when someone disagrees with you.

The Benefits of Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

When you decide to step outside your comfort zone, sure it might feel a little scary, but the benefits soon outweigh the fears.

You can start to see that trying different things will stretch you and help you become a better person. Challenges can lead to success, which can lead to you achieving things you would never have dreamed of.

And you can start to dream bigger and better dreams—your attitude toward success changes. Suddenly you know you can do it. You can see your deep desires begin to become a reality.

Your Life’s Purpose Lies Outside Your Comfort Zone

Having more confidence in your capabilities means you can look around and see what your life’s purpose is. And guaranteed it’s not likely to be a marathon Netflix session!

With one simple decision, you leave your own personal safety bubble and see the world from a different perspective. You can see how what you do in your life can help to make the world a better place. That whatever you do has an impact on other people.

You can make a difference once you step out of your comfort zone and start living with meaning.

Knowing and putting in place those goals that move you towards your life’s purpose is an empowering feeling.

If you don’t know your life’s purpose, book a 15-minute “Get to know you” call now by clicking on the blue button below

During the call we can talk about how working with a Life Coach can benefit you in finding your life’s purpose and to put the plans in place to achieve it.

To your success


Micael W





P.S. if you have always thought that you should have a Life Coach on your personal team to help you create the best year of your life but were put off by the cost and the time requirement, I have created a Self-paced course that covers what we would do when working together.

While not the same as working one-on-one with a Life Coach, this self-paced course can help you to understand your present situation, how you got there and how to set goals that will move you forwards to success.

Click on the logo below to find out more about the course

Self-paced course



Image by John Hain from Pixabay