Limiting Beliefs Coaching Program



Limiting Beliefs Are Tricky

They have been living with you for so long that you forget they are there. They don’t loudly proclaim their existence but work quietly in the background, undermining your confidence in your abilities, stopping you from becoming successful.

Many limiting beliefs don’t have a foundation in reality. They are false recollections of past events or they are based on statements that were made repetitively when you were young and couldn’t validate the truthfulness by yourself.

Removing these beliefs and replacing them with new empowering beliefs can be done, but it isn’t always easy.

Because limiting beliefs have been with you for so long, even though they are negative and hurting your success chances, they are comfortable. Your mind defaults to these beliefs because they have worn a pah in your brain that is easy to follow when some situations arise.

The brains plasticity does permit you to build new paths to the new empowering beliefs that will move you confidently towards success, but you have to want to make the changes and be willing to work to put the new beliefs into place as well as watch for the situations and triggers that may cause the old limiting beliefs to resurface.

Coaching Can Help

I’d like to help you make those changes,

On a scale of 1 to 10, how motivated are you to making changes to the issue of your limiting beliefs holding you back in areas of your personal and professional lives?

If you are really motivated to remove these limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering success beliefs, you may be able to do this on your own, but sometimes motivation can be lacking over time. As well, not seeing immediate change and more success can lead to frustration and abandoning your plan to making the changes you know you want and need to make.

Some people think that working with a coach will take a lot of time out of their day to talk with a coach. While that can be true, this program only requires that we meet for 15 to 20 minutes per week to keep you on-track and moving forward. That is not to say that you do not have any work to do, you do.

There are requirements that you complete workbooks and worksheets as well as complete journal entries related to observing and reflecting on your existing limiting beliefs and the work you are doing to remove and replace them.

During the weekly call, we will quickly review your progress and what you need to do over the next week.

During the week, you will also receive emails to keep you motivated and on-track. You will also receive the necessary workbooks, worksheets and journals in PDF format to enable you to work with me and remove and replace your limiting beliefs with new empowering success beliefs.

Do you have to sign up for a 6-month or longer program? No, we will work on a month-by-month basis.

This program is available now. The cost of this program is $400 USD per month. If after 7-days after registering, you feel that this program is not for you, I will refund your full fee.

If you are ready to join this program, you can do so by clicking on the button below where you will be taken to PayPal to complete the payment. Once the payment has been received, you will be taken to the welcome page to download the first worksheet and first journal. You will also be requested to book a call for your first session. During this call we will go over the downloaded material and schedule future calls.

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If you are still unsure that this program is for you, click on the blue button and book a call to talk about this program and how it can help you overcoming your limiting beliefs and build and maintain the new empowering success beliefs you will put into place.

Book the call now button

Nothing happens until action is taken, so take action now. Either book a call to discuss the program or register for the program and start the process of identifying, removing and replacing your limiting beliefs and get yourself moving towards success in your personal-and professional life.

To your success.


Michael W