Group Goal Setting Program

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Setting and achieving goals that lead you to a successful life doesn’t have to be difficult. What makes it seem difficult to many people is the up-front work required to set their definitive goal and put a plan in place that they can follow without losing their motivation.

It is possible to do this by yourself, but having someone to guide you in the development of your plan, doing a review of the plan steps then helping you to stay focused and motivated to achieving your goal is a great benefit.

A Life Coach can help but for many people, this can seem as an expensive option. In reality, the cost of a Life Coach is an investment in yourself. You gain access to the expertise that can make the goal setting and achieving process easier. A Life Coach can also help to keep you motivated since motivation can fade over time.

As a Life Coach, I offer one-to-one coaching, but I also offer group coaching for 4 people. For some people working in a group is more enjoyable and satisfying as you can help and learn from others. As another plus, the group coaching program is less costly compared to the one-to-one coaching.

The Group Goal Setting Program that is starting on May 5, 2024, is an 8-week program. The program consists of weekly 1-1/2 hour Zoom calls where specific worksheets are started as well as worksheets that you will need to complete before the next session. During the week, you will receive email messages from me to keep you on-track as well as enabling you to ask any questions that you may have.

After the program is finished, you will have unlimited email access to me for an additional 4-weeks. You may also work with me on a one-to-one basis for a reduced fee.

How does the program work?

This program starts with a process of actually discovering what your Primary Goal is. This is done through the completion of a Wheel of Life worksheet and a Primary Life Goal worksheet. Some of this would be completed during the weekly session and you would be required to complete other parts between the sessions from home. It is up to you to complete the worksheets to gain the full benefit of the program. If you don’t complete the worksheets, that is your choice, but you may find that your final results do not match your expectations.

After your Primary Goal has been identified, the next phase is to refine the goal using a S.M.A.R.T. goal planning methodology to make sure that your goal is actually attainable.

Once your goal has been finalized, a detailed plan is necessary. The next two sessions will be dedicated to building your plan and reviewing it to again make sure that you can actually achieve your goal in the time-frame you determined in the plan.

During the remaining weeks of the program, you will be required to complete a Goal Journal and have it reviewed to help keep you on track and motivated. This is actually one of the most important areas that many people have trouble with. Many people love the planning phase but really dislike the doing phase. As a Life Coach and being part of a group program, you will be motivated and encouraged to work towards achieving your goal.

By writing in your journal, you can also see your progress which is another useful method to keep yourself on track to success.

So to recap, during this 8-week program, you will identify your Primary Goal, develop a detailed plan using the S.M.A.R.T. methodology and complete a Goal Journal as well as gaining the support, guidance and encouragement from myself and the other group members.

Why Work in a Group?

Being part of a group allows you to gain insight of others as you can share ideas about the topics that are being discussed and worked on. These relationships can also be used later as part of a network to keep you motivated and working on the goals you set. They become accountability partners.

Cost of the program

The fee for the full 8-week program is $1000.00 USD, which can be paid in 2 monthly instalments of $500.00 USD each. This is a 50% discount from my normal coaching fee. The first payment will be due on registering and the second payment will be due at the start of Week 5.

I offer a 7-day money back guarantee with this program. If you are not satisfied that there is a benefit to you in achieving your goal using this program, I will refund your fee. You can ask for a full refund before the program starts if you register in advance of the program start date. The 7-day guarantee starts right after the program officially starts.


To register, click on the link below and you will be taken to PayPal to make the payment of the first half of the registration fee.

After payment, you will be taken to the Welcome page to download the pre-program materials and learn more about the Zoom links and program materials.

Register for the Group Coaching program now and let’s get started on defining your goal, setting the plan and achieving your primary goal to make your life better and more successful.

To your success


Michael Wilkovesky


P.S. This Goal Setting Program is a great gift to yourself or to a family member. As you, or they, plan set and achieve the goal that is set, your and their lives can be dramatically changed for the better.

The program fee is a small price to pay for a life that meets your needs as well as gives you and them the confidence to achieve not just the first goal but many more goals in the future. Think of the fee as an investment in yourself.

Register now using the button above.




Photo by Surface on Unsplash